Fremantle Photography Courses

1. Discover Unique Fremantle Photography Courses

2. Unleash Your Creativity with Fremantle Photography Classes

3. Experience the Magic of Photography in Fremantle

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Get it all in the Western Australian capital! Beautiful soft-sand beaches blend seamlessly with the metropolis.

Gift Cards also available if you are not sure which date to choose. Learn how to shoot in manual modes and master composition with your Digital Cameras or smartphone (Android/IPhone).

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Fremantle Smartphone Photography Course

Got a nice smartphone but not taking advantage of the amazing features on your camera? This course focuses on the incredible advantages of a small device to capture and edit your best shots. An inspiring learning adventure.

Prices:From $90 - $109

Experience Level: Beginner

Approx. 2.5 hours

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Fremantle Day Photography Camera Course

Learn to get off auto mode! You will gain confidence and become comfortable with various camera settings as you learn how to select Shot and Subject Matter, as well as do's and don't;s of Digital Photography, all whilst experiencing the best of Perth.

Price:From $90 - $109

Experience Level: Beginner

Approx. 2.5 hours

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Fremantle Night Photography Camera Course

Get off auto mode and shoot in manual mode the cityscape. Control ISO, Shutter Speed & Aperture creatively. Master Composition and walk away with the confidence to shoot in low light.

Price: From $90 - $109

Experience Level: Intermediate

Approx. 2.5 Hours

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Fremantle Day and Night Photography Course ($19 Saving)

This workshop is a combination of an afternoon introductory session and an evening session. Tripod only needed for night session.

Price: $199

Experience Level: Beginner - Intermediate

Approx. 5 hours

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Fremantle Private Photography Workshop

Learn how to get off "Auto" Mode, gain confidence, become comfortable with various Camera Settings. You can make a wish list of all the points you would like to learn. Let me know which genres of travel photography you enjoy most.

Price: From $299 (2 People)

Experience Level: Beginner - Intermediate

Approx. 2.5 hours

Fun informative photography
Enjoyed the variety Fremantle has to offer through the lens. Peter was informative and worked well with mixed group. Great learning experience without overkill.

— Trip Advisor Reviews

Peter - Fremantle

Born in Fremantle, Australia, Peter graduated with an Advanced Diploma of Photography from Perth TAFE in 1998. Since graduation he has held two solo shows, exhibited in a large number of group shows and worked as a freelance photographer/artist and teacher from the J Shed Art Studio on Bathers Beach in Fremantle WA.

Creativity is the greatest rebellion in existence.
— Osho